Monday, February 27, 2012

Ruby's Functional Programming

Ruby is a fully object oriented language and is, in fact, so dedicated to objects that every entity in the language is an object. After hearing that statement it might seem a little weird that ruby also has functional support. Ruby's functional aspects are powerful and complete which makes it worthwhile to learn. We can invoke operations such as reduce and filter with the use of code blocks. We can also pass functions around directly with the use of lambda and Proc objects. In this post I'll show you some of the more powerful tricks, show their potential pitfalls, and document the experience with code to play with.

Each method call can be given an additional code block. If you don't believe me then put a block on the end of every method call that currently does not have one and watch as (almost) everything still works as intended (please don't really do that). I'll introduce code to show this, but first let's see a straight forward imaginary workflow:

Now get_name just returns the name attribute of an object, as you might guess. If we wanted to use this to get the name of an employee we would first find the employee and then pass it in here as a parameter as we have done above. Let's show the same workflow, but this time let's allow the code block to give use the name:

Cool right? We can build any employee interaction we want off of get_employee using code blocks. This is an imaginary case, however, and code blocks aren't always the best option so use them wisely.

Code blocks are a part of some of the standard library's methods. It allows us to make use of functional ideas in ruby code. For example, let's look at an inject that sums all of the elements given multiplied by two.

These are powerful expressions because the intermediary steps (i.e. the summations and a single element's multiplication by two) are stateless. We simply put data into the inject and a single answer comes out with no side effects. Other such functional actions include (but are not limited to) reduce, collect, and reject. Ruby's Enumerable has lots of functional methods.

The last functional item I want to share is the use of closures. In Ruby we can make use of lambda, Proc, and method(:name) to create closures. They all appear to be very similar, but have subtle differences. For the sake of learning we will ignore the subtle differences and use Proc to explain the concept. Procs are objects that encapsulate executable code. With a Proc we can bundle up some code and pass a Proc object around until we are ready to call it. For a simple example let's look at the following:

This should feel very similar to the code blocks we had discussed earlier. This is because code blocks are a type of closure! Think of Proc's as a code block that can be held for later use. Let's explore closures a little more:

What happened here? We invoked gen_bar in the Example::Bar object and therefore should invoke a new Example::Bar, right? Wrong! Procs are always evaluated in their declared scope. That means that in this case the Proc was executed in the context of module Foo even though it was called in module Example. This is something to keep in mind as closures are passed between classes and modules.

Functional concepts in Ruby can make coding easier, cleaner, and more expressive. It's important to understand the concepts in order to use them correctly when a problem being faced could use a functional solution.

1 comment:

  1. Some comments (hopefully constructive :-)):

    * Can't you remove this blank lines in the code?
    * Explicit `return`s are very unidiomatic in Ruby.
    * FP is pretty much orthogonal to OOP (as Scala shows). In Ruby creating methods without an object feels weird and I wouldn't recommend it. Just don't update them in-place, create new objects when necessary.
    * sum += em * 2: Please don't use += in a FP post ;-) that should read simply "em * 2", the return value is the new value of the accumulator.

    My 2-cents on FP and Ruby:
