Sunday, February 12, 2012

Acceptance Testing For Student Projects

As a college student majoring in Computer Science one can expect multiple short to medium length projects per class. Almost all (almost being 99.99%) students will, at some point, feel as though they have finished an assignment only to find that during their last sprint towards completion they had broken a feature. We all know the drill, we think we have finished and start checking our input and output against what it required. Then we notice that some tiny detail is now broken. When this would happen to me, and it almost always did, I would have a feeling of despair sink into my stomach. If it was the night before the project was due I would put on a pot of coffee and prepare for the proverbial all-nighter. This does not have to be the way college projects go. In fact it should not be and that is because all programmers have acceptance testing as their disposal.

Acceptance tests, "act to verify that the system is behaving as the customers have specified" (1). What does this mean to a student, since they have no customers? Think of it this way: as a student you must approach assignments as if it were your job, as if your financial stability and your reputation were at stake. Your teacher is your customer. You want to make sure that your customer is happy and for that reason you want acceptance tests to assure their happiness. In fact, how can you assure yourself the highest grade possible other than by proving that you deserve the highest grade possible? How can you assure your customers' happiness other than proving that their desires are fulfilled?

Of course you want the highest grade possible and of course you want to avoid all the terrible emotions and time that go in to fixing a project that had been previously working. The first step towards school project zen is to pick an acceptance testing framework. Then, begin to translate the requirements into a high level system requirement. Think to yourself, how will the user use the system? Let's look at a quick example from when I was in school. One of my projects involved writing a Chained Hash Map implementation. We needed to be able to add, delete, and lookup within the Hash Map. Excellent. Here is an example of high level design.

I write these first since these are the features I need to have implemented. As I code I am actively working towards completing these high level goals one step at a time. In fact, since this is a chained hashmap let's write one more test because we thought ahead.

I start at the top and work my way down. Notice how these steps are agnostic to implementation. The only way they point is towards succeeding in satisfying the client, not towards low level implementation. As I progress I write the steps in to fulfill the scenarios I have laid out. Best of all, as I move from one feature to the next I can assure that I have not broken previously working functionality. When I'm done I have assured my project's completion and my professors' (customers') happiness. Be sure to read up on your framework because each specifies their scenarios differently. Also, each framework glues their scenarios to their test code differently.

The beauty of acceptance testing is the quick warnings it can provide. When you are working and come to a stopping point just run your acceptance tests. If you have a failure see if it can be resolved quickly. If it can not, at least you now know (ahead of time) that the path you were heading down is the wrong path for completion of your project. Acceptance tests offer a red light to bad coding paths and a green light to good paths and ultimately project completion. Next time you receive a programming project take the time to write up acceptance tests, your future self will be thankful that you have.

1) Martin, Robert C. Agile Software Development. New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2003. Pg 13.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the post.. i get so many useful test cases and their result. Some of the test cases are really enough productive and have result oriented.. Really nice post..
