Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day In Review

I spent the morning moving portions of the storyboard over to backbone. Some of the behavioral responsibilities will be staying in the their original storyboard classes for the time being since they are scattered responsibilities without a home in the new structure. Moving forward I hope to find the right way to express these behaviors within the confines of the backbone architecture.

In the afternoon I was able to pair on the jukebox project with my waza time. I'm hoping to implement a 'like' (that term may change) feature. When users like a song it will change the weight used when selecting songs. Currently, there are some fairness rules about picking songs between different users, but I plan on disregarding that in favor of democratic song selection. The feature has two tasks. First, we need to set up the app to collect likes per song, limiting a single song like to one per user. Second, we need to develop an algorithm for weighting the random song selection.

When thinking about the weighting algorithm it became apparent that the ratio of number of users in the system to number of songs in the system should invoke some kind of sensitivity on the weights. I also liked the idea of using that ratio in tandem with a logarithmic choice selection, meaning that there is a quick rise in song frequency when first receiving likes, but then the frequency starts to level off with the accumulation of likes. Fortunately, I've deferred the algorithm's implementation for the time being because the system first needs to have a like aggregation workflow in place.

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