Friday, January 27, 2012

Day In Review

Yesterday, I worked on Artisan for the entire day. I paired with Myles for the whole day, since Myles is new to Artisan and unfamiliar with the code base. This was a good experience for the both of us, since Myles was introduced to the code base, and for me since I had to articulate the components of the system. It's always a good idea to articulate, at a high level, what each component of a system does. It forces you to think about your system at a high level and the missing abstractions seem to bubble up when you talk about a system in this way.

Specifically, Myles and I were able to have the iteration new/edit form working as a modal. This keeps the workflow contained on the storyboard page, which was the goal of our work. The changes actually pointed us towards a missing abstraction and implementing the abstraction for iteration presentation felt good. It made the change feel painless and allowed the existing code to stay largely in tact.

The second half of the day we revisited the storyboard column sorting bug. We fixed the bug, however we introduced redundant behavior (sorting when it is unnecessary) and are having trouble cutting this behavior out.

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