Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day In Review

I started the day off working on the storyboard sorting bug. This is a tricky bug to get rid of because of the way the behavior works. Sortable, the jquery-ui widget, allows callback functions for an update in a single column and a receive event from another column. What is happening is a column drag for a single story will trigger an update event in the original column, an update event in the new column, and a receive event in the new column. This is fine and dandy, however, we trigger a frivolous update event in the original column and it's wasteful. I've been trying to find a way to avoid the update event, however, it's hard to define the behavior in such a way to do the event in one column and not in the other. This process is ongoing and I plan on revisiting it tomorrow.

The second half of the day I dedicated to hosemonster and the graphing functionality. I have been spiking out ways to generate curve fitting functions given a set of data points. In the morning I, out of curiosity, entered a sin function and got a jagged heart-monitor looking output. I hypothesized that calculating more points would smooth the line and it did, I had a continuous sin function. This is when I got really excited, what a cool thing to have happen.

The next problem was figuring out how to calculate the form fitting function. The solution involves creating an arbitrary length polynomial whose degree is determined by the number of points supplied. To create the polynomial involves the use of Gaussian Elimination to solve for the coefficients of the function. Wai Lee and I were able to get a polynomial class under test, use the test data provided, plug in the polynomial generator, and create form fitting curves for data points.

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